One down – Two more Biggies to go

On Tuesday the American electorate gave what GW Bush later said in his _40075019_bushmosaic203body.jpghick accent, “We got a ’thumpin’.”

Pundits at Fox News were stunned by the setback, but the GOP was infuriated by the President’s announcement that Don Rumsfeld was ‘cutting and running’ from his post as Secretary of Defense, since only last week GW had stated that his 100% support for the mastermind of the ‘shock and awe’ campaign to subdue the evil axis of Iraq.

The Republicans feel that if the Secretary had been jettison in September or October, then the Democrats would have loss the whipping post for their rage about a failed military enterprise and the loyal pight would have voted for GW once more.

Too late for that strategy now.

The House and Senate are in control by the Dems.

Rummie will retreat to his secret island to plan a come back or else go article_thumb2729.jpghunting in Wyoming to kill defenseless deer or elderly lawyers. Or he could volunteer to serve in Iraq. Maybe drive a truck for Halliburton or reminesce old times with his business associate Saddam.

The other member of the triad of modern warfare Dick Cheney will sneak into the shadows as any smart eminence gris does in times of trouble, declaring himself physically incapable to carry out his duties and leave his puppet to swing in the wind.nm_cheney_060421_ssh.jpg

For despite what Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean swear about no impeachment, once the manipulation of the truth to get us into Iraq becomes common knowledge, GW Bush could face the nation naked of any defense from his bullies.

And that’s not the worse.

Venezuala strong man Hugo Chavez commented on the death penalty handed to Saddam. ”If sentencing is to be done, the first one to be given the most severe sentence this planet has to offer should be the president of the United States, if we’re talking about genocidal presidents.”

Not being an American citizen Chavez can only rant from afar and think about raising gas prices to the USA, which is lucky for the president, who has pulled in his father’s adviser to save his ass from being dragged through the coals, for his gross ineptitude.

Hell, I feel sorry for GW.

I was a C student too.

Whcih means I got a few Fs too.

Don’t make me stupid about everything.

But I was in a smiliar situation back in 1969. I had been elected CYO president for the South Shore of Boston. 29 churches and about 3000 Catholic teenagers. I orangized several retreats to help foster the new religion and then held a concert to make money. The priest overseeing this CYO deanery didn’t agree with a rock concert and asked about a choral show for the parents. Empowered by youth i told him that the CYO was about teenagers. The rock show was a a church meeting hall. Over two thousand kids came to see the Ramrods and Pilgirms battle it out for best band south of Boston.

It was 1969. Someone. maybe more than one teenager was smoking pot. A rockinramrods.jpglot were drinking beers. During the Ramrods BRIGHT LIT BLUE SKIES a fight broke out betwen a gang from southie and some bikers from Wollaston. I stopped it myself by telling the warring factions the cops were on the way. The police later said that was smart thinking and not to worry about the fight, since such disturbances were not out of the ordinary at concerts.

I thought it was a success. I had made-out with the prettiest girl there. My girlfriend and the event raked in over $2500. Which in 2006 GW Bush economic times is about $200,000.

I thought the priest would ahve been pleased, but he chastened me for girls making out and having seen girls wearing clothing more suitable for mary magdalene and not the Virgin Mary. My comrades in the CYO and I stood in awe of his fury. We were on the brink of hell. I pushed my soul over the edge by telling the priest I quit as president.

He took the $2500 and walked out the door.

I couldn’t blame GW Bush if he did the same, but before that happens what rove_arrested.jpgwould really be nice is if they arrested Karl Rove.

Unfortunately they’d have to arrest most of America for falling for his tricks.

As HL Mencken said, “No one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of the American Public.”

You get what you deserve.

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