Tag Archives: mudd club

LEAVING NY by Peter Nolan Smith

Thirty summers ago I was stuck in New York waiting for a doorman job in Gemany. My pockets were empty and my rent was a month late. Many of my friends worked at Danceteria on West 21st Street. I ate at the BBQ on the roof and drank for free. The owner was a fan […]

Dave’s Luncheonette

After a night at the Mudd Club, the clientele met for breakfast at Dave’s Luncheonette on Canal Street. Eggs, toast, home-fries, and a cup of gruesome coffee was $1. Conversation was the night’s evening. The cuisine got no stars in any guidebooks. I googled ‘dave’s luncheonette’ and Robert Carrithers wrote the following on his blog […]

The Past Is Better Off In The Past

My father can’t remember much anymore. His Alzheimer’s is very advanced, but he does remember me, despite my living in New York. “At least you look like you used to look.” The mirror argues that opinion every morning, but I have to agree with my father. Very few people like they used to look. Some […]

Michael Holman Remembers Orally

also see www.michael.holman.com I. INTRODUCTION…  (“Sentimental Journey”) I was born, in 1955, in Letterman General Hospital, in the Presidio, the U.S. Army base in San Francisco, the oldest existing military base in the U.S., fort to three different countries, starting with Spain in 1776. I was born in the Presidio, because my father was stationed […]