Tag Archives: foamhenge

Summer Times Blues

Today was the official summer solstice for the northern hemisphere. The day lasted almost sixteen hours in New York and the sun never set in Murmansk, Russia. I woke well before the dawn and went to sleep far past sunset, as the Earth polar cap tipped toward the nearest star 93 million miles away from […]


Stonehenge in Wilshire England has existed as a solar calendar for over 10,000 years. The current stone structures were erected around 5000 years ago. Access to the monoliths was restricted by the English Heritage Commission in 1977, although I can recall visiting the epic steles with a British friend in the 1990s. Few tourists were […]

Summer Times Blues

Today was the official summer solstice for the northern hemisphere. The day lasted almost sixteen hours in New York and the sun never set in Murmansk, Russia. I woke well before the dawn and went to sleep far past sunset, as the Earth polar cap tipped toward the nearest star 93 million miles away from […]