Tag Archives: brooklyn

Back From The Dead 2011

My New Year’s Eve plans were local. Watch the Celtics-New Orleans game at Mullane’s followed up by an early beer at Frank’s then home to my Fort Greene Penthouse to watch the final sunset of 2011 before getting attire in my evening suit. Nothing says New Year’s Eve better than a tux. I polished off […]

Personal Ban On New Year’s Eve

Rain pounded the Brooklyn streets in sheets on the last night of 2018. Shannon and Charlotta traveled to a Fellini soiree on Park Slope. I had planned to spend the evening with Doctor Nepola, except on Sunday I discovered my old college friend invitation was for Christmas Eve. “Opps.” Geoffery invited me to a Lesbian […]

A Crescent Moon O’er Myrtle

A crescent moon in a clear sky Low over Saba Deli on Myrtle Avenue The tilt of the Earth 15% Two weeks after the vernal equinox The Autumn sun setting due West___ All estimates mostly guesses, Save one certainty The bankrupt DeKalb Tower Empty tonight. The epitome of the unbeauty of luxury condos___ ps I […]

ROSH A HOMA by Peter Nolan Smith

Eight years ago I sat in Frank’s Lounge with Vince. The owner’s nephew and I discussed a teaching position as a creative writer. The offer sounded good and the Fort Greene native said, “Hell, I have a four day weekend thanks to Rush a homa.” “You mean Rosh Hashanah?” My boss from the Diamond District […]

CRAZY MUSLIMS by Peter Nolan Smith

Yesterday I called my ‘niece’ Andy to wish her Jewish Happy New Year. She had already left the diamond exchange for the day and explained that she was having a post-work drink at the Plaza Hotel bar. “I’m meeting my sister and her wife for Rosh Hashanah.” “Nice, I’m in Brooklyn, otherwise I’d come and […]