Tag Archives: armistice day


Tomorrow I will toast the millions of sad sacrifices of men to imperialism. I also thanked the stars that I’ve never had to fire a shot in anger.< The truce between the Axis and Allies was signed at 5am, but ceasefire didn’t take effect, until the 11th second of the 11th minute of the 11th […]

Journal Entry – November 11, 1995 – New Delhi

href=”https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjoQL6eicdSmLB7hHSkoT-33QU02aFz0PHFXS63Cp1A3cx4aLzIE9RXZVdz8mSOOX55qpHXFvBP1ZokY6HB_JNiROWIpkApj98BEy_l2p3D_ugykvHjxOkUT14d9leaLtXaTxga7ogPS1v8ou6TWew9fd_9TzpEo75Ba7vYoJ_xAN5oL4o8QpydfQO2Hw/s1600/neighbourhood-Paharganj-New-Delhi-India.webp” style=”display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; “> The Aeroflot flight from Moscow must have arrived for crowds of badly-dressed Russians are buying cheap clothing to sell for a tidy profit back in the ex-Soviet Union. Finding large clothing isn’t easy, but the Indian merchants of the cheap tourist hotel district know their market. […]