Category Archives: War

Burning A Draft Card Never

After the 1963 assassination of JFK, the United States became more embroiled in the Vietnam civil war. Support for our involvement was widespread, however according to Wikipedia a twenty-two year-old conscientious objector, Gene Keyes, setting fire to his card on Christmas Day 1964. While the federal government declared the destruction of a draft card a […]

Burning A Draft Card Never

After the 1963 assassination of JFK, the United States became more embroiled in the Vietnam civil war. Support for our involvement was widespread, however according to Wikipedia a twenty-two year-old conscientious objector, Gene Keyes, setting fire to his card on Christmas Day 1964. While the federal government declared the destruction of a draft card a […]

D Day plus 80

During the night of June 6, 1944 24,000 Allied airborne troops parachuted in Normandy and the pathfinders seized strategic crossroads beyond the beachheads to block the Wehrmacht from reinforcing the Nazi Atlantic Wall. Operation Overlord to liberate Europe was in motion. At 6:03am 156,000 troops from Britain, Canada, and the USA conducted an amphibious assault […]

Memorial Weekend 2024

Memorial Day traditionally kicks off the summer holidays in America. Boy scouts, veterans, and politicians parade to honor the nation’s fallen soldiers and sailors, after which families gather for BBQs before heading home sated on burgers, beer, and hot dogs. This mass departure usually creates epic massive traffic jams on the highways of the USA. […]

Cinco De Mayo

Fifteen years ago my brother-in-law and I left the cabin on Watchic Pond. My sister remained in the kitchen prepping for lunch. The bright spring sun had heated the morning and the thermometer nailed to a tall pine read 72F. Our task, putting in the dock in the lake in early May. The water temperature […]