Category Archives: semi-fiction

It’s Da Shoes

As a doorman in New York, London, Paris, Hamburg, le Sud de France, and Beverly Hills from the 1970s I to the 1990s the bosses always asked about my criteria for admission. Many other doormen said, “Shoes.” Me, it was a look. A look like you wanted a good time without any trouble, although I […]

July 20 1977 – Journal – Riis

A hot day in the city. I finished serving lunch at the executive dining room on Wall Street a little past 1pm and caught the A train to the Rockaway Beach after which a bus transported me to Riis Park, the gay nude beach. Hundreds of queers and lesbian sunbathed naked. Spread legs showing cocks […]

The Location of X

My first major in college was Math. My mother had chosen that field of study, because a 710 score in my Math SATs provided convincing proof that her second son was a future Einstein. She was not privy to the fact that I was smoking pot and dropping acid. Both opened my mind to the […]

Burning A Draft Card Never

After the 1963 assassination of JFK, the United States became more embroiled in the Vietnam civil war. Support for our involvement was widespread, however according to Wikipedia a twenty-two year-old conscientious objector, Gene Keyes, setting fire to his card on Christmas Day 1964. While the federal government declared the destruction of a draft card a […]


Several years ago my good friend Jamie Parker was seeing a go-go girl from the Paris A Go-Go. Ort was skinny and crazy. The ex-con from the Bronx was smart enough not to have Ort as a girlfriend. The twenty-three was better as a geek, but the 52 year-old from the Bronx couldn’t resist the […]