Category Archives: Poetry


Lolitas on the subway Taunting all men’s desires A finger pulls apart the school uniform Fourteen and ripe with power Ingenue eyes asking, “You want to watch?” And what man can refuse Lolitas’ lost lips Mocking at all men. Their peals of teenage lust echoing of tiled walls Going home Thumpbam Thump bam Thump thump […]

Classic Poetic Dysleixa

Edgar Allen Poe, Hart Crane, Willam Yeats 1916 Frank o’Hara, Bukowski, Ginsberg, The Rubiyat of Omar Khayyam Ezra Pound, Emily Dickenson, Sylvia Plath, Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva Every one of them considered mad to write poetry. My words of madness find me on the George Washington Bridge resisting the urge to fly Hart Crane’s supposed last […]

Lazarus II – Smell of The Grave

I have a new life After death. Last month Alex was sweet___ She lied About my odor___ Not only I do smell old I smell of Lazarus. Risen From the grave__ I need a new smell Aan old bottle of perfume For Lazurus II A new smell. Even Alex knows the truth.

Rain on East 77 Street – June 1978

Midnight Outside Rain Thunder. Inside the foyer My finger On the buzzer No reply____ Last winter Lisa left To be a model In Europe No letters Since April___ Her face Never on French Vogue Nor Italian Vogue Nor inside any fashion magazine. Gone___ Inside the hallway No one My finger on the buzzer A last […]

Baby Powder Naked – Buster de Milo