Category Archives: evil

DeKalb Tower Of Doom

Ten years ago the western view from the Fort Greene Observatory was a low city skyline dominated by the Clock Tower at Atlantic Terminal. During Covid the real estate market was dead, however city and bourough councils granted building permits for a multitude of mega-luxury condo buildings to insure construction jobs and launder money for […]

Myrtle and Broadway Hell

Over the past few years Myrtle and Broadway under the elevated J and M trains ranked as the scivviest intersection in Brooklyn. During COVID the triangular corner had been colonized by a cult of Meth heads, K2 fiends, Oxy zombies devoted to a collective intoxication. A ragged woman set up shop selling drugs from her […]

Not Again Not Ever

The KKK was founded by Southern white supremacists after the defeat of the Confederacy in 1865. Armed bands of ex-soldiers roamed the night to terrorize freed slaves and elected former CSA General Nathan Forrest was elected Grand Dragon of the racist organization. Thousands of blacks were killed during this first reign of terror and the […]

Slavery 101

Crackers are called ‘Crackers’ for the crack of the whip. “Not all southerners were slave owners.” Maybe not, but slavery was the GM of the South. The greatest source of labor in Dixie and southerners rented slaves at planting and harvest time, treating the Africans worse than rented mules. Men and women were chained hand […]

Evil Personified

The FBI waged psychological warfare against Martin Luther King and his wife Coretta. Letter such as the one, which suggested he take his life, were constantly sent to the family at the behest of the FBI director. J. Edgar Hoover was an evil man and his legacy haunts the FBI to this day. Not so […]