Category Archives: Art


Rome wasn’t burnt in a day. – James Steele New York City teetered toward bankruptcy during America’s economic stagnation of the mid-70s and on Oct. 29, 1975 the Daily News splashed the headline FORD TO CITY: DROP DEAD, after the president refused to bailout New York. The mayor slashed every department’s budget to the bone […]

THE PRICE OF PURITY by Peter Nolan Smith

Ten years ago during the monsoon season a biblical deluge swept the sois of Pattaya. refuge from an early evening deluge in a very ordinary beer bar off Pattaya’s Soi Excite. I parked my motor scooter under an awning a very ordinary beer bar off Soi Excite and scooted for shelter. The rain cascaded off […]

THIEF OF TIME by Peter Nolan Smith

Published on: Mar 23, 2011 My first watch was a Timex bought by my father for my fourteenth birthday. I wore that timepiece throughout high school and college. It disappeared in the mid-70s. Lost, but not stolen. I went without a watch for the reminder of the decade. Punks in the East Village had no […]

A Long Memory

Published Dec 5, 2011 Degenerate Art had been denounced by the Nazis as un-German ie Jewish or Bolshevist. Josef Goebbels, the Reich Minister of Propaganda, organized an exhibition of Entartete Kunst in 1937. The SS acted as curators for the show by confiscating the works of modern artists from museums and private collections. The assembled […]

Goodbye Columbus Day

Before the arrival of Christo Columbo in 1492, the New World was filled with empires, confederations, republics, city-states, and tribal lands. These diverse peoples represented a broad scattering of cultures. The population of the two connected continents has been estimated by modern historians to be approximately twenty-five million people from the Bering Straits to the […]