Category Archives: Activities

Pawh Den Always

Monsoons late. Months after Songkran. Buffalo wander the rice paddies. Looking for their old friend. Den Khongbua Grandfather gone. Kwai remember him. Den the only one Who knew their names. Den Gone But not from memory Kwai. Not gone forever. Not from our memories too. I see you soon, grandfather Den But not today.


Tonight I rolled into Butte, Montana. Beating the M&M Bar’s last call. Gram Parsons on the jukebox. “Streets of Baltimore.” Mona loved that song And I never done her wrong___ Last week in Bozeman, Montana I woke to an empty bed No sign of Mona. Only a burning egg And a note saying Don’t follow […]

January 15 1987 – Journal

PLATOON has been a bigger hit than Willem Dafoe thought its completion and the film has garnered nominations for Director Oliver Stone and Willem as best supporting actor for his portrayal as the saintly Sergeant Elias. I’ve never been to war. I’ve fought on the streets many times. A man once shot at me in […]

East Village Dawn October 26, 1986

East Village Dawn Dawn Crawling towards noon Lena’s bare feet pad across barer floors To an open window Overlooking the alley willow Turns Then to the closet Grabs A silk robe To wrap Around her nakedness Back to the bedroom Seven steps Then Sitting silently on the bed Her hand Touches my thigh Caressing flesh […]

The Summer Leaves Of a Monk

Stayed in two days A monk No talking two days A monk. Walking Down the Avenue. Silent The sidewalk alive As are the trees The branches The green leaves Arching Into the summer sky Oh summer Oh summer Oh summer I silent A monk oh summer ps there was no fasting. At least Not for […]