Category Archives: 19th Century

Cinco De Mayo

Fifteen years ago my brother-in-law and I left the cabin on Watchic Pond. My sister remained in the kitchen prepping for lunch. The bright spring sun had heated the morning and the thermometer nailed to a tall pine read 72F. Our task, putting in the dock in the lake in early May. The water temperature […]

Bertha Goes Whaling 1871

I want to be an angel And with the angels stand, A crown upon my forehead And a harp in my hand. The ship was sold in March, 1873. Capt. Hamblin, my father, had decided to give up whaling and go home. The ship sent home 895 barrels of oil and never went back to […]

The Great Disappointment – Pattaya

For puritanical Christians early 19th Century America was a cesspool of sin and Satan threatened the souls of the White Race through race mixing, while women’s demand for equality attacked the eternal domination of men over the weaker sex. Children lost their religion and the United States was driven not by godliness, but Mammon the […]

Horse Action Saddles

According to Wikipedia female hysteria was once diagnosed by Victorian doctors as a widespread affliction with symptoms of faintness, nervousness, sexual desire, insomnia, fluid retention, heaviness in the abdomen, muscle spasm, shortness of breath, irritability, loss of appetite for food or sex, and “a tendency to cause trouble”. Women always caused trouble in the minds […]

Deja Vu From Holyoke

Several years ago I visited Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts for the first time in decades. My sister, her husband, and daughter slowly inspected each and every painting, while I sought out Northeast classics such as Fitz Hugh Lane’s OWL’S HEAD, Winslow Homer’s THE FOG, and Childe Hassam’s BOSTON COMMONS AT SUNSET. I have admired […]