Monthly Archives: March 2023

Lazurus In My Blood

Two summers ago in the black night of Brooklyn I spewed several liters of blood into the bathroom tub. After wiping the retch from my face More blood surged from my body. Something was not right. Something was very wrong. I crossed the East River. Inside the NYU’s emergency room. The staff took one look […]

HEAD OUT ON THE HIGHWAY by Peter Nolan Smith

Throughout 2017 I worked in Greenwich, Connecticut on a $4 million house for Mumbles. The Washington DC native considered himself very smart in business. I would have felt the same, if I was living off a trust fund, but Foakley was too smart for his own good and the project languished with his every indecision. […]

The End of NORTH NORTH HOLLYWOOD by Peter Nolan Smith (unpublished)

PAGE 291 Their lovemaking lasted until midnight. They showered together and packed their bags. They didn’t have much. Vanessa locked the door to her friend’s bungalow. She sat in the passenger seat and Sean got behind the wheel on the Lemans. They bought coffee at a 7/11 on Ventura Boulevard. Sean restarted the engine. “You […]

NOBODIES TOGETHER – by Peter Nolan Smith

NOBODIES TOGETHER by Peter Nolan Smith Last autumn my health was challenged by my sickness. I had no energy and rarely left the apartment. My New York friends lied about my condition. When I asked if I looked yellow, they replied, “A little, but you’re not Post-It yellow.” They were lying and I believe them, […]

Last Night At The Flamingo by John Iozia 1975

Last Night At The Flamingo (1978) John Ioza There were two thousand queens last night at the Flamingo Before the sun came up they dropped a thousand dollars in drugs on the dance floor. Eighteen superb mixes got sixty thousand oohs and Forty thousand aahs last night at the Flamingo. Two queens got six replays […]