Monthly Archives: December 2019

Ambroseli Safari – Kili Initiative 2019 # 19

My night after the goat intestine soup was a rough one. I lost count of how times I hit the toilets and blew my chips in the bushes. Ma’we came out once and asked, “You want to go to hospital?” I shook my head. “I’ve only been to the hospital once in my life. At […]

Moe-Ho Road Rage ala Thai

This Thai expression is rarely used while behind the wheel. On Boxing Day 2005 a neighbor roared down my soi in his pick-up. He nearly hit my daughter. My wife later said he didn’t come close, but I took off after him on my motorcycle to give him a piece of my mind. At the […]

Happy XXXMas

Bordelle, the high-end lingerie line, came out with Christmas delights. One 18K-plated girdle dress will cost over $7000 in London’s Selfridges department store. There are less expensive options for a rich man to offer his mistress. Fashion stylist Sasha Lilic asked, “Would you spend $7000 on lingerie?” My answer was simple. “I’d spent it to […]

No Santa

America has been on a streak of bad luck ever since GW Bush was elected president in 2000. The economy has boomed for the rich at the expense of the working classes. No one buys jewelry. No one buys perfume. No one wants to be a Cheap Charlie, but this year has not been a […]

The Xmas Drunk

Last holiday season I had a great part-time job being invited to office parties as the Christmas Drunk. $500 an appearance and all I could drink. Bad behavior was a must. Insulting the boss was a showstopper. Punching out the hated brother-in-law was most requested extra. $100/punch. Insulting a wife’s obesity was a secret request […]