Monthly Archives: June 2019

Dad’s Moustache 1972

In the early 1970s my father complained about my sister’s boyfriend’s facial hair and she told my father that he would look younger with a mustache. He grew one and then sideburns too. Youth always wins over an older man. Mom, my youngest brother Michael and my father Frank A Smith II. Love them all […]

Like Father Like Son

Fenway took a fall in the bathroom. Lots of blood. 8 stitches. No longer perfect. Everyone says his mother beat him. Mam would never touch him. Me maybe, but like father like son. My black eye is from a street fight in Pattaya. “It was a good fight, ma, but I lost.” In fact I […]

No More Ice – Stanley Cup Final

In January the St Louis Blues were the worst team in the NHL. Tonight they beat the Boston Bruins at home in the seventh game of the Stanley Cup. A second goal with 7 seconds left in the first period basically sealed the fate of the home team dashing my hopes for victory. Their rookie […]

HItchhiking Delaware 1970

In 1970 Peter Gore and I were arrested by a Delaware state trooper on this stretch of I95. We were fined $25 and put on a bus to New York. I never paid that ticket which has probably ballooned with penalties and interest to $1100. That is why I fear Delaware. Especially the Delaware Welcome […]

Culiacan, Mexico 1975

In the winter of 1975 I rode a train south from Mexcali. The journey was slow on the sun-warped rails. Our stops included towns without names as well as bigger cities. Hermosillo-Guaymas-Los Mochis. I got off in Culiacan at dawn. The city lay on the Gulf of Cortez. The temperature rose with each hour. I […]