Monthly Archives: August 2008

North to Alaska

Barely 12 hours after the close of the Democratic convention John McCain surprised political pundits with choice of Sarah Palin, the 44 year-old governor of Alaska, as his running mate for the 2008 November election. No Romney, no Liebeman, no GW Bush. A woman called ‘tough as nails’ by that intellectual harridan Camille Paglia. Conservative […]

The Ire Of Cindy

Cindi McCain was offended by Barack Obama’s acceptance speech. “My father came from nothing to make his fortune in America,” she told ABC News without addressing the fact that her father, Kemper Marley, made his money thanks to mob connections with Meyer Lansky and Gus Greenbaum. Same as the Kennedys and several other proud American […]

Get out of town

Canal Street New Orleans 1904 Hurricane Gustav has gathered strength over Cuba and this category-4 storm is barreling across the Caribbean in the direction of disaster hub, New Orleans. The local, state, and federal governments have learned the lesson of Katrina well. In order to avoid the calamity of 2005 residents have been ordered to […]

Revolution So What

When I first came out to the Orient, my mother would call to ask if I were involved in certain overthrows of the government. In her head she couldn’t think why else any American would leave the Land of the Free, unless your absence was required to overthrow an enemy of America. She was wrong. […]

Google Earth Blackout

Google Earth has transformed the globe to safeguard places such as the White House, The U.S. Capitol, and Dick Cheney’s House. A multitude of military installations are also deleted from the website along with the The Royal Stables in The Hague, Netherlands as well as the Minnesota suburb of North Oaks, who complained to Gioogle […]