Tag Archives: winter

Never-Ending Winter

Never-Ending Winter Last night I went to sleep at on the top floor of the Fort Greene Observatory. I was wearing a cotton night gown and my cover was a double blanket. The cold seeped through the windows and a little past 3am I woke to a chill. The outside temperature was wavering in the […]

Extinct Slush

Yesterday the New York temperature was in the 50s. Dirty snow clung to the sidewalks. Ice refused to melt, but the slush was gone. It got cold again today. And the forecast for Wednesday is for more snow. This winter keeps coming. And the slush now extinct will flow again.

Weather in Wyoming

Today’s weather in Yellowstone Park remains faithful to winter. 30F and snow covering most of the volcanic plateau in the northeast corner of Wyoming. I have driven through that region in the late-April. The seasons change slow at that altitude and New York City is following the western state’s slow lead into Spring. Flowers are […]

Back To Normal

Last Friday started with snow. I woke early since I had a schlepping job at the UN. My friend Eric was filming the first march against Violence toward Women from the General Assembly to the small park on 47th Street. I arrived at his place at 9. Eric drove his van down to the Lower […]

Warmer Than Yesterday

Weather at the base of the Fort Greene Monument seemed warmer than yesterday even though the temperature was the same as on Friday. I biked up to the plaza honoring the dead prisoners of the Revolutionary War and basked in the wan rays of the January sun. A park ranger warned me not to bike […]