Tag Archives: white house

An Apathetic Apocalypse

Two years the GOP forced the White House to accept a $85 billion sequester from the US federal budget. Barack Obama has attempted many compromises with the Republican austerity hawks. The countdown ticked to zero at midnight. The forced cuts will swiftly effect the US economy, especially the military. The newly appointed Defense Secretary Chuck […]

Could I Have This Dance?

Frank Sinatra liked skinny. Nancy Reagan fit that description. He had an affair with the 1st Lady in the White House. I don’t know if that’s rumor is true, but this photo says a million words and all of them is ‘adultery’.

The Curse Of Obama

Last January the Boston Bruins goalie refused a White House invitation to honor the team’s 2011 Stanley Cup victory. Tim Thomas explained his reason for staying at home by saying, “I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People. This is being done at the […]

DeBunking Camelot

The History Channel has proposed a mini-series about John F. Kennedy’s presidency. There is no script, cast, or budget, but critics are attacking the project for its potential to debunk the JFK legend. A website is sponsoring a lashback at the producer. stopkennedysmears.com CBS attempted to show a depiction of Ronald Reagan’s regime and the […]

Beermas at the White House

The Media had its diapers twisted by the uproar over the arrest of a Harvard professor in his own home by a Cambridge police officer. President Obama entered the fray by calling the incident ‘stupid’. His off-the-cuff comment racketed up the GOP attack dogs at a time when the White House is promoting legislation on […]