Tag Archives: RIP

Gore Vidal RIP

Gore Vidal passed away at the tender age of 86. The provocative novelist wrote twenty-five novels on social and historical issues. My favorite book was 1876 about the stolen election between Samuel Tilden and the Republican Rutherford B. Hayes, which harbingered the flawed 2000 election between GW Bush and Al Gore, whom was a distant […]

Bye Bye Michael

Michael Jackson has been laid to rest. The world is divided in different camps. Admirers, detractors, and the apathetic. I had planted myself in the latter camp. I have no Michael Jackson songs on my computer. I never saw him in concert. I didn’t follow his tribulations with interest. He went his way and I […]

Paul Newman RIP

On Sunday night I stayed at the Doctor’s house in Staten Island. We watched football and ate Italian food. He makes a mean meatball. After several straight hours of NFL we switched channels to TMC for a Paul Newman Marathon. HUD, SOMEBODY UP THERE LIKES ME, and COOL HAND LUKE. None of his kids had […]

Forever Changes Arthur Lee RIP

I’m listening to Love’s LITTLE RED BOOK (written by Burt Bacharach) having learned from the BBC News that Arthur Lee passed away yesterday in Memphis. I am a child of the 60s. A hippie punk. Not a Deadhead. Love was our group. He was the ‘black hippie’. Maybe Love would have been more of a […]