Tag Archives: NYPD


Back in the summer of 2008 I was taking care of a Palm Beach mansion. It was deep off-season and hurricane season was coming on fast. One evening I went over to my friend’s house close to the center on town. After dinner Lisa killed me at scrabble. She scored 33 points for xi, which […]

All-Seeing Eye of the NYPD

As a child the nuns at Our Lady of the Foothills told us that God was all-seeing. Our every moves was surveilled by Our Father in heaven and the sisters seemed to be blessed with the same power. They had eyes in the back on their head and could catch us passing notes or misbehaving, […]

Good Shooting NYPD

The NYPD has been accused of trigger-happy shootings over the years and yesterday two patrolman confronted a killer in front of the Empire State Building. The disgruntled fashion designer was walking away from having killed his ex-boss. A CCTV caught the action on the street. Clearly the police told him to stop. Their guns are […]

Funny Money

Passing Paper Back in the late 80s my friend, Rocco, was a narcotic detective for the NYPD. The 27 year-old Brooklyn native raided crack houses and dealer’s apartments. He was the first man through the door. A shotgun was his calling card. Once the battering ram smashed down the door, Rocco dropped to his knee […]

Brooklyn’s Finest

Antoine Fuqua portrays his Brooklyn as a commune of drug dealing brothers and free-gunning cops. A scary city where people get shot all the time and it is that type of city. My friend Vladmar’s cousin was murdered two blocks away from my present residence in Fort Greene. Capped by a local thug. For what […]