Tag Archives: mexico

Viva La Revolucion

The victory of Mexican liberals in 1861 led to a revolution against the debts incurred by the previous governments to the European banks. France invaded Mexico backed by the Roman Catholic clergy and the conservative upper class. The French installed an Austrian archduke to oversee the monetary and military rape of the nation. The debt […]

Dama La Pistola

“Dama la cuete.” is ‘gimme the gun’ in slang Mexican and guns have flooded across the Rio Grande to fuel a wicked murder spree by the vicious narco-bandidos of the drug cartels. Slang expressions for the dead are many. According to a Fox Latino News report of Apr 14, 2011 “Encobijados” are bodies wrapped in […]

Zombie Dreams

The swine flu panic seems to have abated after the news media stopped flogging the story. New cases are still reported around the country, although without the fatalities that struck Mexico. My trip throughout the Midwest ranged far from urban centers. Sometimes my Scottish friend and I didn’t have any human contact for hours. The […]