Tag Archives: jomtien

Queen For A Day

Back in the late 50s American audience were captivated by the tales of woe told by desperate housewives on the TV show QUEEN FOR A DAY.Each of the three participants had several minutes to recount their hard times to the host Jack Bailey and the winner for the most sorrowful tribulation was decided by the […]

There’ll Always be an England

“Will there always be an England?” The England of today is not that of 1940. No country is what it was 71 years ago. Yesterday I was drinking beer with two friends in nah-Jomtien. Mark was complaining about how England had changed from the time of his parents. His rotten teeth were a tribute to […]

Pattaya Beach Ratings Gay Beach / Jomtien

There are actually two Jomtien Beaches. The better known is the thin strand of sand bordered by the Jomtien Road running south from the police box for several kilometers, however another Jomtien Beach exists north of the police box. No jet skis or rumbling buses, since cars and motorcycles are banned from 8am to 6pm thus bestowing […]