Tag Archives: atheism

Beermas Vs. Easter

I’m no longer religious, but I am spiritual, so I celebrate Beermas. Often. And I don’t drink to make women more beautiful. I drink to improve my looks. Oh, you dog.

George Carlin on Atheism

Atheism – Kingsley Amis

“Yevgeny Yevtushenko: ‘You atheist?’ “Kingsley Amis: ‘Well, yes, but it’s more that I hate him.” ― Kingsley Amis Foto for gratuitous titillation by Ali Formenti

The Vanishing of Belief

My Aunt Gloria loved to tell the story about my baptism. The christening was on a hot June day in 1952. Her husband was my godfather. He wore Marine officer whites and a smile. Uncle Jack was glad to be back from Korea. He was lucky to have survived the Chosin Reservoir. The priest recited […]

DAZED BY ZEPPELIN by Peter Nolan Smith

Everyone in the world has a phone. I can call Fenway’s mom in Thailand and Mam will pick up the phone on the other side of the world. This advancement is a miracle, considering only twenty years ago phone service to foreign countries was a costly and timely expenditure. Now international connections are linked by […]