Tag Archives: aerosmith

WHEN FAT MEN FLY by Peter Nolan Smith / Chapter 2

A day before New Year’s Eve Sookie and Marie came over Wayne’s house. The two girls wore matching white leather jackets, mini-skirts, knee-high boots, and turtleneck sweater. They were excited about their first trip to the big city and Marie asked Wayne’s mom, “We look like sisters?” “Like Eva and Zsa-Zsa Gabor.” Wayne’s mom puffed […]

DRUNK DRIVING HOUR by Peter Nolan Smith

During the early 1970s my college comrades and I drank at the Hi-hat Lounge in Brighton. The girls were young, the drinks were cheap, and we sold ‘ludes and mescaline at the bar. Neither of them were the best available in Boston, but we were always in supply, so the bands playing on Commonwealth Avenue […]