Category Archives: superstitions

Lost and More Lost

30,000 years ago mankind numbered in the thousands. Their settlements have been researched by countless archaeologists. Nothing was lost to the notice of man, however Henri Mouhot announced to the world in 1860 that he had found the lost city of the Khmers, Angkor Wat. The Frenchman never mentioned that previous expedition to the great […]

Thai Love Potion Comeback

Most foreigners have little knowledge of Thai magic. Fewer have experienced its influence, however their ignorance doesn’t diminish the power that incantations and spells hold over the Thais. Forget the 7/11s, the Benzes, the DVD players, the Thai’s greatest fascination is with magic, because while money might be an turn-on for most women and beauty […]

No Left Turn For J Edgar Hoover

J. Edgar Hoover famously never allowed his drivers to turn left. When I first heard that story, I thought this edict was due to his hatred of the Left and fear of Communism, but actually his command was based on his limousine getting t-boned from the left. An additional note UPS plan out driving route […]

Child Lottery Ghosts

In 2010 the Somali government was hard-pressed by warlords. Troops chewed qat. Their afternoons were spent in a euphoric stupor. Few wanted to man roadblocks, so children were drafted into the army. AK-47s replaced their battered toys. They were happy with A few dollars a week for food. Lucky in a country where there was […]

Collect Call to the After-Life

This summer my brother visited me in a dream. My deceased mother and I were sitting in a ramshackle cottage on Cape Cod. My brother said he was going to meet friends. He looked happy, as he ran out the door. It was a little too short, but I was happy to see him and […]