Category Archives: motorcycles

Steve McQueen How Cool

Steve McQueen was the coolest movie star ever. Sean Connery and Clint Eastwood are living icons, but Steve was the champion of cool. Dead or alive. As a child my brothers, sisters, and I attended Our Lady of the Foothills south of Boston. The parochial grammar school heavily tressed the Four Rs of reading, ‘riting, […]


Driving on the weekend is a bad idea. Traffic is in anarchy-mode. Yellow lights mean go fast. Red lights say go faster to drivers trapped in dead-end jobs. Sunday behind the wheel they drive according to size. Traditionally Chinese have been deemed the worst driver, however they have been superseded by Hassidim in mini-vans and […]

Unlucky Someone

This evening a biker ran a light at West Broadway and Houston. He didn’t make it to the other side in this life. Drive safe, bikers. The first Kawasaki Ninja came to America in 1986. We called them ‘widowmakers’. They were too much speed for a man. Same as this Unlucky Someone.

Mini-Bikes Are Fun

“Mini-bikes are like fat girls a lot of fun to drive, until one of your friends see you on one.” – old biker adage. I disagree. Fat girls are fun all the time, but I prefer mopeds.