Category Archives: heresy

15 Minutes For A Nobody

In 1968 Warhol wrote that “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” for a catalogue of his work in Sweden. Eleven years later Warhol crowed the triumph of his prediction by saying, “My prediction from the sixties finally came true: In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.” The statement […]

Internet Magic

The Catholic Church hated witches. The Protestants weren’t much better. Believers in the Old Ways were burned at the stake by the tens of thousands. Twenty-eight people were hung or killed in the 1692 Salem Witch Trials. The last such case to come before a court was the 1878 American civil trial in Ipswich, Massachusetts, […]

The Passion Of Zombie Jesus

Christopher Hitchens RIP

Long-time Vanity Fair writer and general anti-anythingist Christopher Hitchens passed away at the age of 62. Seconds after his death his body remained dead. He was not Christ and he promoted atheism to his dying breath. Friends and colleagues mourning his passing. Vanity Fair represented the sell-out of an intellect, so I was not familiar […]

The Revised 10 Commandments

Number 1 – There is no god, so you don’t have to worry about having other gods Number 2 – Feel imaginative about images of spirituality. Number 3 – Refrain from saying the name of a god that doesn’t exist. He will not help you in floods, disaster, bankruptcy, or police stops. You are on […]