Category Archives: capitalism

Resist The Rich

Over 400 factory workers were murdered in Bangla Desh by the capitalist terrorism and millions are homeless around the world thanks to the class-cleansing policies of the banks. This country’s pillars of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have been destroyed by the rabid accumulation of wealth over the last thirty years under the […]

An Apathetic Apocalypse

Two years the GOP forced the White House to accept a $85 billion sequester from the US federal budget. Barack Obama has attempted many compromises with the Republican austerity hawks. The countdown ticked to zero at midnight. The forced cuts will swiftly effect the US economy, especially the military. The newly appointed Defense Secretary Chuck […]

On A Clear Day

Almost sixty years ago weather conditions over London blanketed the city with a damp toxic fog of coal dust. The gray air was thick with choking carbon particles. Visibility was dropped to one foot in the Stygian gloom. Thousands fatally succumbed to respiratory ailments with hundreds of thousands suffering severe breathing difficulties throughout that December. […]

Bette Davis Eyes

The expression ‘the eyes are the windows to the soul’ have been attributed to many writers, principally William Shakespeare, although the actual phrase probably transcended the time of windows, which were very rare in the Dark Ages. No where more true than in the eyes of the GOP challenger. He has tried so hard to […]

No More Cars

Gas prices in Thailand are running about 38 baht or $1.25 a liter. These prices are as expensive as the USA and sucking money out of people’s wallets faster than the cars can drive on the Asia Highway. There is no shortage of gas, but prices have been pushed up by oil speculators to reap […]