Category Archives: cambodia

Vatican Tells Cambodia To Go Bareback

The American-based Roman Catholic activist pro-life organization Human Life International has declared the failure of an American aid effort in Cambodia aimed at decreasing the Aids infection rate though the distribution of ‘rubbers’. The criticism is harsh at best. “These programs, according to the promoters, would have had to stop AIDS, but instead encouraged its […]


The 2006 film HOLLY is a faux-documentary about a young American seeking to rescue a 12 year-old girl from the notorious brothels of Phnom Penh’s K-11. The movie unfortunately the low-rent monotone plot fails to convey a sense of salvation for the two protagonists in this modern version of THE WORLD OF SUZIE WONG. Micholas […]

Preah Vihear Pull-Back

The tense stand-off over the ancient Hindu temple on the Thai-Cambodian border has fizzled after the Cambodian elections. Troops have withdrawn from the no man’s land and calmer voices are calling for further talks to settle the differences between the two nations over ex-PM Thaksin’s parking lot privileges at the World Heritage site. Khun Thaksin […]

Cambodia Seeks UN Help

Thailand is six times more populous than Cambodia. Its army is more modernized and the threat of a border conflict escalating into a war has spurred the Cambodian government to seek diplomatic assistance from the UN to deflate the tension between the two neighboring countries in the face of the most recent talks breaking down […]

Preah Vehear Temple Border History

In times of internal turmoil politicians tend to reincarnate external threats to obfuscate their failings and the problems or on-weng over the boundaries of Prasat Preah Vihear have served well the powers that be in Thailand and Cambodia, however few of the masses are aware of the history behind the ruins atop the Dangrek mountain […]