Category Archives: 2010s

Iowa Caucus 2012

Tomorrow marks the earliest Iowa Caucus since its debut in 1972. No Democrat is challenging President Obama, but a field of seven GOP candidates are vying for the nomination. The three front-runners are comprised of Milt Romney, a moderate, Ron Paul, a radical libertarian, and Rick Santorum from the extreme right.The other participants have failed […]

America’s Heartland

Iowa is in the center of the USA. I drove through the state in 2009 with Brock Dundee. He was shooting a film of the sculptor Barry Flannagan and part of the project consisted of VDOing the ailing artist’s hare statues in their various settings around the world. One was in front of the Des […]

Back to 2007

“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” – Sinclair Lewis

Cut And Walk

Ten years ago the Coalition of the Willing initiated Operation Enduring Freedom against the Taliban in Afghanistan in revenge for harboring Osama Bin Laden, the leader of Al-Quada. The Northern Alliance backed by NATO air strikes easily routed their fundamentalist foes, but the defeat partially came, because the war-ravaged country was on the verge of […]

Do Not Pass Go

There is an old European adage; kill one person, go to jail, kill forty people and you get sent to a mental hospital. Today a Norwegian court declared that the mass murderer of 77 people in July of this year was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia; i.e. that he is insane. His probably sentence after trail […]