Monthly Archives: July 2023

RAINY SEASON by Peter Nolan Smith

Last week New York was scorched by a heat wave. The temperature ranged from 95 in the shade to 110 on the tar. I hid out in the 169 Bar, but decided to leave the comfort of my favorite to take the ferry to Rockaway Beach. I called Geoffrey. He was always up for the […]

25 Ways You Know You’re From Boston When You….

# 1.) ….you name your son ‘Fenway’. 2.) ….you move to another city, but support the Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins, and Patriots, even after Tom Brady married a Victoria Secrets’ model, got hair plugs, and moved to Tampa Bay. 3 .) …you recognize that fried clams are only fried clams, if they have bellies and […]

A BAR OF INFAMY by Peter Nolan Smith

Written 2007 Some bars’ names evoke grandeur; Harry’s in Venice, The Oak Bar in the Plaza, Raffles Long Bar in Singapore. Other bars elicit yawns from real drinkers; TGIF, Hooters, Harry Beans. Yet a few are notoriously renowned for their sleaze and mayhem, where most people’s fun ended where the fun of those those frequenting […]

Hellah Swelter

A horrid heatwave has scorched the Eastern Seaboard for the past four days. New York thermometers have read in the upper 90s. This evening I descended into the subway. The temperature rose 10 degrees Fahrenheit on each level. The train platform had to be in the 100s. I hurried into the air-conditioned train. A cool […]

$69 Watermelon

The price of everything in New York City is determined by a multi-layer of costs; taxes, rents, transportation et al. Fort Greene’s merchants ticket their merchandise, as if the one-time black neighborhood was a suburb of Paris. The other day I wandered into Provisions on Fulton Street. Its AC was a relief from the heat, […]