Monthly Archives: November 2022

Today’s Thanks

Today America commemorates Pilgrims’ gratitude to the local Indians lessons in food-gathering, especially those Wampanoag tribesmen of Squanto, who helped the religious refugees survive that first year in Plymouth. Their neighbors celebrated their harvest with three-day feast of the three sisters; maize, climbing beans, and squash. The holiday was made official in 1789 by George […]

The Elegance of the Wampanoags

The Wampanoags were not the savages, but the people of the dawn were driven near-extinction by a bacterial infection carried the Pilgrims, which left them defenseless to raids by the Micmacs and Pequots. Despite these calamities the Wampanoags living near the Plymouth supposedly celebrated a particularly good harvest with the Pilgrims in the autumn of1621. […]

Irish Cold Revenge – 11/22/1963

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Approximately twenty minutes after the JFK shooting Lee Harvey Oswald, a communist supporter, was stopped by Officer Tippit for questioning. According to the Warren Commission Oswald pulled out a pistol and fired four shots, killing the patrolman. Oswald was arrested in a movie […]

Lookalike – Tanya of the SLA – May 1974

West of Omaha Sean pulled into a truck stop. Sunrose bleached the prairie. AK, Pam walked into the diner filled with sleepy truckers in desperate need of a lift stronger than coffee. None of the long-haulers commented about hippies. The drivers wore their hair long too. AK, Pam, and Sean sat at the counter and […]

Ice Age Fini

The last Ice Age ended somewhere around 11,700 years ago. Since then glacier around the globe have shrunk from the North and South Poles. In 2017 I resided in Juneau, Alaska. The Mendenhall glacier was fourteen miles from my house. I have yet to hike the Western Trail to the ice caves. The couple running […]