Monthly Archives: September 2022

RETURN TO NORMAL by Peter Nolan Smith

Two weeks after the collapse of the Trade Towers the westerly wind shifted and a southern breeze spread the funereal smoke across Lower Manhattan. The poisonous fumes smelled of a blazing cannibal BBQ. Later that afternoon I caught a train north to Boston. My sister put me up in her basement. I watched the Red […]

BBC NEWS History of WTC

To view this homage to the world trade towers please go to the following url

NO SWIMMING ALLOWED by Peter Nolan Smith

The weather forecast predicted a sultry summer day for September 9, 2001. My friend Alia had transported a Porsche Boxer from the UK and her high-octane convertible awaited clearance at the Newark Customs. The British diplomat asked me to accompany her to the Jersey docks and I agreed on the stipulation that we drove the […]

Sleeping Tiger

British actress Patricia Laffan starred as Nero’s wife Poppaea. The director required her to sit with a leopard during a lavish dinner sequence. Big cats are notorious fickle with their favor, but she shows no sign of fear. Neither did I at Nong Nooch Gardens with a junkie tiger. He didn’t even bother to snarl […]

Sleeplessness 101

Twelve years ago my younger sister and I were sitting at her kitchen table. She handed me a clipping from the Boston Globe and pointed out an ad requesting volunteers for a medical survey on sleeplessness. “Beth Israel is paying $1500 to those candidates completing the 10-day experiment.” “$1500. That’s a good wage for two […]