Monthly Archives: February 2022

A Winter War

Throughout this Autumn and Winter Russia’s leader Boris Putin has been threatening the Ukraine with invasion to prevent any further Western incursion to the ex-Soviet republic. The USA and UK have responded with supplying weapons and supplies to the steppe nation and the newspapers daily report on the potential war without mentioning that only one […]

George Washington # 1

Six years ago George Washington was voted Britain’s greatest enemy commander by a poll over nearly 8000 people held by the War Museum in London, beating out IRA leader Michael Collins, Napoleon Bonaparte, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey. Washington’s posthumous victory was explained by a prominent historian, […]

George Washington In London

Several years ago I was waiting for Brock Dundee in Trafalgar Square in London. Tourists were mounting the four lions at the foot of Lord Nelson’s Column for photos and art lovers were queuing before the National Gallery to view the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibition, while busy Londoners strode across the square for various rendezvouses […]

Battle Of Long Island 1776

Back in late August 1972 my college friend Ptrov Sinski and I hitchhiked west from Seattle to Boston. A rancher left us off at exit 149, serving George, Washington, a small farming community surrounded by endless fields of ripening wheat. The two of us ignored the sign forbidding hitchhiking, but within ten minutes a Highway […]

KOSHER CHINESE FOOD by Peter Nolan Smith

After Valentine’s Day business on 47th Street slowed to a halt. The rich were vacationing in St. Barts and Palm Beach. Oil bills bled normal New Yorkers to the bone and purchasing a diamond was the last thing on most people’s mind in a bad economy during the harshest winter in modern memory. Hlove the […]