When in Thailand….

The British Foreign Office is famed for the reserve of their diplomats, however back in 2009 the BBC uncovered the true feelings of their ambassadors thanks to the Freedom of Information laws. The smiles, the speeches, and promises of friendship are a front for the traditional English bias against anyone not from the right school or blood.

The UK’s ambassador to Thailand during the Viet-Nam War expressed his opinion of the Thais in his reports without disguising his disdain.

“They have no literature, no painting and only a very odd kind of music; their sculpture, ceramics and dancing are borrowed from others, and their architecture is monotonous and interior decoration hideous. Nobody can deny that gambling and golf are the chief pleasures of the rich, and that licentiousness is the main pleasure of them all.”

Harsh words from a long-nosed farang.

Of course the Thais express their opinion of such comments either with a murderous smile or a bullet to the back of the head.

Either way works, especially if you’re telling the truth and there in nothing better than ‘sanuk’ with Thais in Ban-nok drinking Lao and listening to Luk Thung.
Chai you!!!

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