Monthly Archives: July 2020

Cassavates’ HUSBANDS

Movies were more than movies in the 1970s. Producers and directors sought to change the audience with films about life rather than escapism. John Cassavetes was the king of American realism and in 1970 released HUSBANDS about three suburban family men waking their dead friend with a Manhattan drinking bout. Upon their return to their […]

Zombie Strippers / Kelly’s Heroes Drive-In Double Bill

My parents exposed their children to the magic of cinema at the Cornish Drive-In in Maine. The screen faced the pine forest and the owner’s house served as the concession stand. The grandmother sold salted popcorn and bottles of ice-cold Coke from the porch and her son worked the projector housed in an old chicken […]

Trumpards Trust Pedophiles

It is impossible to speak reason with Trumpards. They refuse to recognize the evil of the God-President. He is not a traitor. It is smarter than the rest of us. Covids is a scam. Black Lives Matter is an anarchist organization dedicated to destroying the centuries-old rule of the White Race over the World. His […]


In 1978 Anthony Scibelli shot a roman-photo based on my detective poem featuring Klaus Nomi, Cookie Mueller, Clover Nolan, Andy Reese and several other friends from the downtown scene. MoMA celebrated Club 57 in 2017. When I arrived at the opening, a friend said, “You’re famous.” Tony’s photos were featured at the front entrance. No […]

No Safe Place For The Rich

This past May 29 demonstrators surrounded the White House. The 12 or the police were overwhelmed by the protests and Donald Trump left the Oval Office for the subterranean presidential bunker. Trump reported to the Media that the chicken-shit speed freak had descended to inspect the underground shelter for a tiny amount of time. Attorney […]