Monthly Archives: August 2017

The First Battle Of Chancerllorsville

The Evil of Slavery

Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate Army, has been widely cited for stating that the Civil War was not about slavery. Modern supporters of the South add to this quote that not every southerner owned slaves and claim the defense of Dixie was to protect State’s Rights. Unapologetic slavery advocates say that African and […]

Target Guam

North Korea’s nuclear strike capacity has improved greatly over the past ten years. In 2006 the Hermit Kingdom announced a successful nuclear explosion. Pacific Rim nations have attempted negotiations with the hardline Communist dictatorship. Kim Il-sung and his youngest son Kim Jong-un have confounded diplomats attempting a negotiated settlement to curtail North Korea’s developing more […]

No Left Turn For J Edgar Hoover

J. Edgar Hoover famously never allowed his drivers to turn left. When I first heard that story, I thought this edict was due to his hatred of the Left and fear of Communism, but actually his command was based on his limousine getting t-boned from the left. An additional note UPS plan out driving route […]

Rocket Lawnmower

There are no lawnmowers in Space. At least not in the pre-Jetson era.