Monthly Archives: May 2014

ROADS OF THE FLYOVER by Peter Nolan Smith [Kindle Edition]

In the Spring of 2009 a British filmmaker asked me to drive him around the Midwest. Brock Dundee was shooting a movie about a famous sculpter’s statues and the artist’s reaction to seeing them long after their completion. Barry didn’t have long to live. Brock and I were friends from the 90s. “I don’t drive […]

In the Moment: Recent Paintings by Ro Lohin May 29,2014

​​ Eyes on You, 2010, oil on canvas, 42 x 54 inches ​ Ro Lohin’s solo show at the New York Studio School opens on Thursday, May 29th from 6:30 to 8:30. If you are unable to attend the opening, Ro Lohin will happily meet you at an arranged time during the show. In the […]

What Me Worry Honda

Thailand’s military coup has been accepted by Japan’s carmaking sector, whose factories stretch across the rice fields to manufacture cars for home consumption and export to other Far East countries. plant managers were concerned about the effects of how a 10pm-7am curfew would affect the assembly lines, however Honda chairman Fumihiko Ike told reporters, “Thailand […]

Cowboy Rules 101

Sent by the ever-tolerant Big Al in Pattaya. He’s my hero. A father/X-fighter. 1. Pull your pants up. You look like an idiot. 2. Turn your cap right, your head ain’t crooked. 3. Let’s get this straight: it’s called a ‘gravel road.’ I drive a pickup truck because I want to. No matter how slow […]

Retort to Cowboy Rules 101

Life takes all types, but I respect the customs of faraway cultures. We share some of the same traditions. I wear my trousers high. Pants are your bikini briefs. My cap is curved and the logos honor my hometown teams. Nothing else. No truck or lube or fishing references. I drive fully-insured rented cars in […]