Monthly Archives: April 2014

Thai Tongue Twisters

This addition has nothing to do with sex. As a child my moother tried to improve my speech by having me say ‘toy boat’ three times fast. Impossible with a stutter. Thais utilize the same practice. I guess all languages do. Here’s a sampling from 1.) Kluai tanee plai wee hiaw, hew wee pai […]

The Eternal Struggle

“Women are always right and they are never more right then when they are wrong and you try to convince of this.” – Pascha Ray After Sandy I visited my friend Richard Sweet in Brighton Beach. They hadn’t suffered from the huricane floods. I showed up on time, for his Ukrainian wife and he were […]

Nyet Gay In Rodina

The Russian criminal code of 1832 made the act of “muzhelozhstvo” or men lying with men a crime punishable by exile to Siberia for up to 5 years according the Wikipedia. The police rarely arrested men for this crime against nature, since the hunger that dare not speak its name was reserved for the upper […]

Exile From Moscow

Two days ago I was riding the Q train over the Manhattan Bridge. An older woman was speaking with a young man. His English was halting and he nodded, as she said that the USA wasn’t going to save the Crimea. “Everyone is always looking for us to save them.” “Like Cambodia?” We had heard […]

Nyet To Mickie Ds

America is over 5000 miles from the Crimea. Russia basically annexed the peninsula from the Ukraine after the collapse of that national’s pro-Kremlin government. The right-wing TV demagogues and the GOP interventionist members of Congress have called for action against the ‘invasion’ and two days ago the USA retaliated with a non-violent fury, as the […]