Monthly Archives: January 2014

Hermaprodite 1900

My friend Claudia Summers posted this photo of hermaphrodite on Facebook. The pitch card dates back to the early 1900s. The photographer is unknown. I’ve met many transgender people throughout my travels in the USA, Europe, and Asia. Never a hermaphrodite. At least never one to my knowledge. I am haunted by this anonymous beauty. […]

Trench Coat And Bare Legs

Humphery Bogart immortalized the gaberdine trenchcoat in the 1942 film CASABLANCA. Millions of men have copied his style over the years with success, because a knee-length trench coat transformed most wearers into men and wowmne of mystery. According to Wikipedia the trench coat offered an alternative to the heavy serge greatcoats worn by British and […]

SPEAKING WITH SEALS by Peter Nolan Smith

August turned hot in San Diego. Floe and I slept outdoors under the stars. Two sleeping bags served as our mattress and a single sheet covered our bodies throughout the night. I told her everything. After recounting the fight with the junkie thieves in Haight-Ashbury, she said, “You scare me.” “Why?” I was telling her […]

Polar Vortex

In 1978 a historic blizzard blasted the East Coast. Boston was buried underneath three feet of snow. New York had two feet. Buffalo ceased to be a place of human habitation. We survived that storm. The snow melted in the Spring and flowers bloomed in May. No one is thinning about roses in America or […]

Tongue To Metal

As a child I lived in maine, where winter was winter. A good time for sledding. At Pine Grove Primary School Skeeter Kearsy the school bully wanted to test the theory that if you put your tongue to metal it would stick there. No one told him to stop. He liked to beat up everyone. […]