Monthly Archives: January 2012

THE LAND I LOVE by Robert Horn

An original protest song in honor of the 99%, members of occupy, working men and women, and those fighting for justice in the United States and everywhere. Home made and home recorded with no corporate support or funding. Putting this song on this site is not intellectual theft. No commercial value. No sell-out.

Not So Fast II

Yesterday several major internet services blacked out their websites to protest two bills before Congress aimed at stopping online intellectual property theft. Freshman senator from Florida Marco Rubio backed off pushing forward the bills for vote in face of such intense opposition from Wikipedia and blog service WordPress. Hollywood executives backed by former Senate hack […]

Not So Fast

Hundreds of demonstrators for the OCCUPY CONGRESS gathered in Washington this week to protest the greed of Congress in sucking up the the corporate interests of America and the world. The organizers had been expected thousands to show up in force, but winter campaigns are renown for desertions from the ranks; see Valley Forge and […]

Bye Bye Barbara

Yesterday I received an email informing me of Ms. Carolina’s demise. I went to the water temple in Sri Racha to pray for my good friend Barbara’s safe passage. We had seen the world together. My three year-old son and I bought some fish to release into the sea for good luck. They swam away […]

10 Years In Gitmo

The September 11 attacks on America changed the rules of warfare for the United States. The nation craved revenge and the first taste was served in Afghanistan with the defeat of the Taliban. Hundreds of prisoners were transferred from the theater of war to the US Naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. These detainees were […]