Monthly Archives: January 2011

SMOKE ON THE WATER / Heavy Metal Accordion

Head Rolling in the Snow

The most vicious movie ever filmed in the winter had to be FARGO by Coen Brothers. Critics portrayed the flick as a dark comedy about a kidnapping gone bad in the frozen wasteland of North Dakota. A place few Americans have ever visited. Murder, betrayal, horrifying body disposal and dialogues marked by huffs of icy […]

Silent as a Bullet

Two days ago gunman in Iraq assassinated a police colonel,army colonel, two police commissioners, a traffic police colonel, and a municipal official within a two hour span. The weapon of choice – a pistol with a silencer. No one saw or heard anything. The Western media was quick to report that these killings were the […]


Final Sunset 2010

The view from Fort Greene 12/31/2010 4:33 PM