Monthly Archives: November 2010

Friend & Lover – Reach Out Of The Darkness

The Footsteps of the End

Jesse Ventura, ex-pro wrestler/Governor of Minnesota, abandoned America for a secluded beach on the Baja California. He spends his days with his wife and the waves of the Pacific. “There are no newspapers down where I live. Where I live, I’m an hour from pavement and an hour from electricity. I’m completely off the grid.” […]

Tell Em Jesse

“It’s a good thing I’m not president because I would prosecute every person that was involved in that torture. I would prosecute the people that did it. I would prosecute the people that ordered it. Because torture is against the law. … Waterboarding is drowning. It gives you the complete sensation that you are drowning. […]

The Exquisite Fatness of Farangs

“Why farang so fat?” Lil’ Noi the 16 year-old waitress from Chez Michel asked at the end of the night. “Kin mak.” Lil’ Noi was right. Farangs ate a lot, although not as much as a hungry Thai woman during the course of the day. Morning rice and chicken, mid-day sum tam with Chinese noodles, […]

Invasion of the Fat People

WHERE DID ALL THOSE FAT PEOPLE COME FROM? To find out please go to this URL