Monthly Archives: February 2009

Presidents Day 2009 – Oh Yeah FU GW

I love this photoshopped image. I know that Joe Biden wanted to flip the departing GW the bird. I would have asked for a Stinger missile launcher, but not done it to prevent the deaths of the innocent soldiers on board or the wives of GW or Cheney. Still it would have been nice to […]

Debt Disaster

“What do you think is the total US government debt?” I asked a young economist in the Columbia University graduate program. Francesco was smart and took his time to calculate the numbers. “15 trillion dollars.” The sum was the total of the US annual GDP or every single penny made by the nation in a […]

World’s Scariest Airports

Last month a plane struck geese while taking off from La Guardia. The engines failed over the Bronx, yet the pilot capably glided the stricken aircraft to a water landing in the Hudson River. No one was injured seriously by the crash and the New York Post splashed headlines atop the front page. KILL ALL […]

A-rod All Right

A-Rod, the Yankees all-star, finally admitted to the Press that he had lied about his steroid use. His apology to the public was tempered by his statement that he was young and management expected him to perform, so his drive to excel superseded his natural integrity. “When I arrived in Texas in 2001, I felt […]

National Geographic Porno

In the 1960s the first porno available to young boys was National Geographic. Every summer my older brother and I would pore through the piles of magazines for photos of young Nubian girls dancing at the annual fertility rite. Amongst our friends we felt that the writer and photographer of these articles had the best […]