Monthly Archives: May 2008

US Cities Getting Old

Plenty of children are playing in Central Park, but they were none in downtown Providence the other day and like many other cities in the in the USA the dead outnumber the born. This fact was brilliantly portrayed in the English film CHILDREN OF GOD which depicts a world without birth, but no one is […]

Obamastock in Oregon

Barack Obama appeared along the banks of Willamette River and the first words out of his mouth were. “Wow wow wow.” Why wow wow wow? Because over 75,000 people had thronged to see the Democratic contender. Hillary Clinton was not available for comment about the crowd size. For a related article click on this URL […]

US Supreme Court Okays Porno

Free Speech advocates have long regarded pornography as the front line of 1st Amendment, however the Supreme Court re-affirmed its position on a 2003 law designated to curtail kiddie porn, despite the legislation’s vague terms on CGI or Computer Generated Images sex might infringe on the 1st Amendment. I surf the web for porn, but […]

Chonburi Governor threatens all-powerful Beach Chair Mafia

The Chonburi governor has been fighting with the Pattaya’s omnipotent beach chair operator since his swearing in ceremony. Basically he wants to assign 7 meter by 7 meter plots to decongest the narrow beach strip for public use ie being able to lay down on the sand without having to shell out 30 baht for […]

Happy Birthday Buddha

Monday is Visakha Bucha Day celebrating Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and death. This trifecta of holy holidays is highlighted by the Wien Tien ceremony at local temples, where devoted Buddhists circle the Wats three times honoring Dharma or the Buddha’s teaching. The killing of animals is forbidden during this time. Thankfully most major supermarkets have already […]