Samak’s Loose Cannon

Frank Sinatra had little respect for the Press, especially after a female Australian reporter slept with him to get a story. It wasn’t about his toupee. Old Blue Eyes later caught flak for saying, “All reporters are whores.”


Most politicians shared this sentiment and none more obvious than Thailand’s Prime Minister Samak who asked a female reporter, “Did you have sinful sex last night?”

She didn’t lower herself with a retort, probably since most Bangkok professionals, male and female, have sacrificed their romantic life for careers and also she might have been stumped as to what constituted sinful sex or pet sam-pan ga-lee the last word referring to Shiva’s wicked wife, Kali.

The prime minister confessed that he was a straight talker, but didn’t see anything wrong with using sexual connotations in his criticisms of reporters or his use of crude language such as Tham (Low), Heng Suay (Suck) or Laeo (Bad).

“I call it as I see it.” This attitude has earned the respect of the lower classes who hold the media in contempt.

And with good reason.

Anyone who has been told too many lies can never believe the truth.

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