Monthly Archives: April 2008

Lonely Planet Phony

Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote his masterpeice TARZAN without ever traveling to Africa, yet his fanciful novels about an orphaned boy raised by apes has inspired milLions to thump their chest in imitation of the Jungle Apeman. His armchair inventions sold more books than the journals of Richard Burton, who actually tramped through the Dark Continent […]

Lese Majeste ala Thai

During the Vietnam War radical hippies would not stand for the national anthem at baseball games. I was one of them. More patriotic Red Sox fans would shout obscenities, but I believed our involvement in the Far East served only the rich military-industrial complex and remained seated through ‘Oh say can you see.” Not anymore. […]

Songkran Traffic Mayhem

Driving back from Bangkok on Thursday I thought about detouring off the Asia Highway to visit the ruins of Ayutthaya, then traffic ran very sluggish, as rubberneckers gawked at a pick-up truck, which had flipped over the concrete barriers into the center strip. Blood was smeared on the shattered windscreen. A body laid on the […]

Spanish Fly in Bangkok

Bangkok is world-known as a sex entrepot with its countless bars, go-gos, massage parlors, and brothels. Sex is usually a simple financial transaction. Money for sex, however some men refuse to pay for sex and two cases of ‘date-rape’ have popped up in the city with women being offered a packaged mixture of coffee and […]

Thais Drop Charges against Mr. Doom

The USA spends about $500 billion annually on its military. More than all the other countries in the world combined. America is also the largest exporter of combat weaponry and doesn’t countenance rivals, especially if they are independent arms dealers selling death and destruction to the highest bidder at prices undercutting the USA, which is […]