Tag Archives: lodi 1974 hitchhiking hippies california ford torino

DOWN THE COAST By Peter Nolan Smith

Skyline Drive crested a hill and the bright California sun crowned the hundreds of identical houses snaking up the streets of Daly City with a golden nimbus. Smoke from sizzling meat floated above countless backyards, as suburban families celebrated Memorial Day with holiday barbecues. I longed for a seared hamburger and a beer, but tramped […]

TO THE DOOR by Peter Nolan Smith

I-5 ran south out of Sacramento. The temperature in the Central Valley was much hotter on the other side of the Sierras and AK blasted the Torino’s AC. As a car owner AK wanted to return the Ford in the same condition as we had received it in Boston, so halfway to Lodi we hit […]

GODLESSNESS by Peter Nolan Smith

East of Albuquerque the interstate switchbacked up the Santia Heights out of the Rio Grande Valley. The summer lost its heat, as the rusted pick-up climbed toward the pass and the cooler temperature revitalized AK and me. Late-August temperatures were murder on longhaired hitchhikers crossing the Far West. Rides were few and distances were far. […]