Tag Archives: fort greene

Holy Saturday

In 2009 AP and his family left Fort Greene for the Easter Weekend. I spent the time alone in the brownstone, feeding the cats, turtle, and fish. My sense of worth was low and I treat the self-loathing with beer, preferably Narragansett. That lager tasted of New England. Saturday morning morning I finished re-writing IN […]

Man O Manischewitz 2012

In 2012 Fort Greene was a friendly neighborhood. People said hello to each other. I smiled greetings, glad to be here. It was a ‘we’ world, although I wished I was in Thailand with my family. Across the street an elderly Trinidadian woman collected beer cans and bottles for the deposit money. I gave Jinny […]

Billion Dollar Man

Published on 5/2/2010 I don’t own a television. My laptop provided most of the programming necessary for entertainment, although the online screen resembles that of an airline economy-class movie presentation. The only gap on my computer has been sporting events and I fill that absence by heading down to Frank’s Bar on Fulton Avenue. Last […]

Black Friday Beer

Today on Black Friday millions of Americans hit the shopping malls to purchase marked-down electronics and toys. This frenzied spending spree kicked off the Christmas shopping season. This year’s Black Friday was an all ugly affair and the event has getting uglier by the year. The term ‘black Friday originated from Philadelphia retailers’ description of […]

DA AUTUMN LEAVES by Peter Nolan Smith

Written October 2010 Back in the 60s my family home on the South Shore bordered on a small woods and every October the trees beyond the old stone wall turned brilliant reds, yellows, and oranges. The glorious explosion of color lasted several weeks, then the colding wind ripped the weaker leaves from the branches and […]