Tag Archives: fenway smith

Fat is Beautiful for Feminists

Several summers ago Jamie Parker drove up on his motorcycle from Pattaya to Sriracha. Mutual friends back in the States had been casting aspersions against the paternity of my son. Mam had heard the same from her family. She offered to submit Fenway to a DNA test. I wasn’t having any part of it. I […]

Like Father Like Son

Fenway took a fall in the bathroom. Lots of blood. 8 stitches. No longer perfect. Everyone says his mother beat him. Mam would never touch him. Me maybe, but like father like son. My black eye is from a street fight in Pattaya. “It was a good fight, ma, but I lost.” In fact I […]

Muay Fenway

Muay Thai is featured every Sunday on Thai TV. As a young boy my son Fenway and his Uncle Nai watched the telecasts from Lumpini Stadium and other boxing venues in a mesmerized state. After the victors and losers were declared for the day, Fenway is encouraged to show what he has learned from the […]

Fenway’s First Beer

back in 2011 my son Fenway and I were sitting with his mother at the Blue Moon Bar in Jomtien. Mam said that she wanted to check on the laundry. Fenway watched her across the soi. He gave me a smile and picked up my glass of icy Leo beer. “Chim dai, Dhim mai dai,” […]


Last year Susan Cheever entered the ranks of prohibitionism with her entry in the NY Times DRUNKENFREUDE. Her glib mangling of the classic German term ‘schadenfreude’ meaning taking joy in the misery of others opened with a 10 year-old tale of a woman’s heavy drinking at a Christmas party then shifted into an observation that […]